PT Bumi Alkestra

Earth Alkestra offering goods and services as cheaply as possible and the best. Our mission is to provide interesting things with interesting as cheap as the price of goods with the best quality possible so profitable for you every day. Therefore, we will always provide the latest information and special deal with attractive discounts for you. We believe it will be an unforgettable experience of our special deal, will bring a lot of customers who are adventurous, who are always looking for a special deal to many local businesses in each city in Indonesia. Innovation, imagination and commitment we are always oriented to customer satisfaction, placing Earth Alkestra as one of the world leaders in the lifestyle-shopping Indonesia.

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Distributor Alat Medis

Alat medis adalah sarana dan prasarana pendukung pelayanan perawatan dan pengobatan di rumah dan di rumah sakit. Sehingga sangat diperlukan pengetahuan serta ketrampilan untuk menggunakannya, sehingga maksud dan tujuan dari penggunaan alat itu sendiri bisa tercapai. PT Bumi Alkestra merupakan distributor alat medis terlengkap di Bekasi, alat medis yang Kami jual merupakan produk yang berkualitas dan harga alat medis yang Kami tawarakan relatif lebih murah dari pasaran.